Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hey guys, first off, i must apologize for not able to update last week, i am trying to get my driving license right now and its making me crazy, here are some stuff i did for the upcomming deadline.  I've also did some revisions on my layout for AA, in which i will post later on, i am planning to finish painting all 3 of my layouts in 2 weeks

Thursday, October 18, 2012

 Hey people, so i am posting my stuff earlier for this week because i can't garentee my internet will be up and running on Sunday, which is usually the time when i update my stuff.  Above is my first mat-painting ever, i guess its only when you finish ,you realize how much problems you need to fix, but i guess i will keep it rough like this for now and do a better version later, this one here in particular is for our group film.
Here are some dragon logo-tatoo stuff for my group film as well, its being a busy week, i was also doing other works like storyboarding and studying for criminology, so i didn't get to work on my action analysis yet, if time permits, i will try to post more edits for my action analysis later :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

sometimes its really when you put everything together you notice how much problems you accidentally btpassed and how much more things to edit, here are my roughs all together for AcN

Sunday, October 7, 2012

This week for me was all about roughing out my layout for my action analysis and doing some concept, below are my roughed layout, i was thinking about half asian half steam punk style. enjoy!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

After months of hard work, i have finally finished the last lesson from schoolism-bobby chiu, thank you for all your help bobby! i enjoyed every min of the class :)

so here is the cool piece of i promised that should have been here a while ago if not due to that tecnical difficulty, a rough environment hand drawn and finished in 6 hours, go to admit, i love doing these things, i am planning to turn this in to a full production painting for demo reel

after 2 weeks of struggling with my problemtic blog that just won't let me post anything, i have finally to realize that the problem was actually very simple, you have to upload it from the little icon thing only, wow i feel stupied. anyways, here are some roughs for my AA project

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

hey guys, really sorry for not posting a few days ago on sunday, i actually got a tonz of goodies needs to be posted but really busy with a deadline for AcN right now, so the major update from last sunday will be temp delay to thursday. here is a piece of drawing i did for bobby's schoolism class for some sneakpeak preview

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Some of my life drawings from the first life drawing class in third year, clearly i still got a way to go. i was going to post something really epic tonight, but forgot to bring it back with usb when i scaned it at school, so i will post it tommorrow, be sure to check it out
I've recently did a poster for badminton club next week, i know its funny but that's really how i feel when i play badminton at least, a gladiator, of course i don't really hold two racquets, at least for now that is.... more postings of drawings will come later on tonight

Monday, August 20, 2012

Le Egg Castle
Many wondered what the alien world looks like,but few knows, here in the planet of black mountains, lived a special race that uses a very special looking POWER GENERATOR for energy, its name is Le Egg Castle, its main function is to generate the mad colorful tornado from the planet itself in to pure energy for the citizens here.

When Le Egg Castle opens up

the inside of Le Egg Castle 

              when the crystals flies out and starts to rotate around
the generator, creating magnetic force

the mad tornado is being converted on top

A Lonely plant, residing in a forest far away,fighting for the last bit of sunlight available left in this world, cursed by the dreams of many, now becomes the ferocious ZOMBIE PLANT, consuming other plants for the sake of self. He is the ancient predator of the plant world APESE